Houston Gateway Academy

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02-28-2017 - Elephant Mural

Not only is HGA the only school that has student paintings in the education center at the Houston Zoo , currently designing 12 new paintings to be featured at the ZOO this summer, but now we are going to have our large hallway elephant painting installed at the Houston Museum of Natural Science!   Here is the email!

Mr. Doug Hiser,


Thank you for the large elephant mural as a gift from Houston Gateway Academy and your talented art students!  It will take us a little bit to get it installed so, more than likely, we would get the piece from you from Museum Services and then talk to the install crew and have it up by summer in a hallway – before all the campers get here!


You can come to the Museum at any point we are open and drop it off at Museum Services, BUT if you let me know when you are coming I will arrange to have a parking pass and some tickets there for you.

We also would like to put a note up with the name of the student, his or her name and grade and the school. The elephant would be displayed downstairs in the education classroom area, where all of our programming occurs.

Thank you for thinking of us.  Your students are clearly talented!




Nicole Temple 
Vice President of Youth Education

Houston Museum of Natural Science


Way to Go young artists for Africa at HGA 5th period:


Jazlyn Valadez

Natalie Guzman

Alva Saravia

Abby Salinas

Alejandro Soriano

Abigail Gomez

Luis Lerma

Marlene Rodriguez

Mildred Trenado

Stephanie Lara

Mr. Hiser